IASRR, Your Scientific Writing and Publication

Scientific writing and publication are essential for advancing knowledge and practice in social science and religion. However, many aspiring authors need help to organize a paper. Barriers are usually caused by a need for a better understanding of the scientific writing and publishing process, as well as training and resources. IASRR is here to provide practical guidance and recommendations to help inexperienced and experienced authors working in society and religion publish their research more efficiently and pass the rigorous peer-reviewed process. We include

  • an overview of basic scientific writing principles,
  • detailed explanations of the parts of a research paper, and
  • practical recommendations for selecting journals and responding to peer review comments.
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The overall approach and strategies presented are intended to contribute to individual career development, whether as a researcher, lecturer, teacher, practitioner, or student, while enhancing the author’s validity to promote your knowledge in public online publications.

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